Disney Executive 1 : Hey look! There's a function on my computer that let's you copy something and paste it somewhere else!
Disney Executive 2 : No fucking way! Let me see that.
Disney Executive 1 shows Disney Executive 2 how to copy and paste.
Disney Executive 2 : You know what we should do? If we took a script like, I don't know, Finding Nemo or something, we could basically copy and paste it into a new document, change some names, and make a new script!
Disney Executive 1 : (thinking) Hmmmm.
Disney Executive 2 : We just have to give it a newish title. Something like, Finding Nigel, you know, the shark.
Disney Executive 1 : I think there's a couple of shark movies happening this summer.
Disney Executive 2 : How about Finding Dory? She was the forgetful fish right?
Disney Executive 1 : That is fucking brilliant. We're going to make so much money!
Disney Executive 2 : Hell yes we are!
They high five.
Disney Executive 1 : Let's suck each others dicks but not tell our girlfriends!
They suck each other dicks and don't tell their girlfriends.
Chapter 2. HEROES.
Studio Executive : Hey. Do you want to write a new superman movie?
Writer : Another one? I don't think so. Is there anything in the Superman story left to tell?
Studio Executive : Don't worry about the story so much.
Writer : But I'm a writer.
Studio Executive : Yes you are. A very good looking writer who works out obviously. And I can tell by the bulge in your crotch you're a very well endowed writer.
Writer : I have a girlfriend.
Studio Executive : I have two million dollars a hard dick and can make sure you never write again.
Writer : I'll start a first draft.
A studio executive throws a kitten against a wall and then calls his Minister from the church of Scientology.
Minister : Hello?
Studio Executive : I'm having a really bad day.
Minister : How so?
Studio Executive : Women and people of colour and gays keep banging on about diversity, and equality, and stereotypes, and sexual harassment, and other big words I have to go to to look up so I know what they're talking about. I feel like I've lost control!
Minister : Would you like me to send over John Travolta to give you an oily massage and a shirtless hand-job?
Studio Executive : No. Sigh. Maybe? Yes.